Tuesday, May 2, 2017

world development

This is a blurp of three of the tabs that I researched about in the Unit World Development.

1. Transportation: Transportation has changed over time and the world with it. From horses to cars, it has helped everyone get where they wanted to get in a faster way than horses but their are facing a problem right now, traffic. Blood cells travel through veins without any traffic, they don't crash or stop traveling, they continue and never stop. Right now, people are trying to find out how to make cars like that. They are thinking about a bus that does not stop, one section of the bus separates from the bus and the bus keeps going, the section that separated stops and the people get out. Soon, there will be no traffic.

2. Impact on life: In this topic a woman was talking about how video games had an impact on life, a lot of children play video games, a lot of teenagers play video games, and also adults play video games. You might think that video games affect your sight but it doesn't, it actually makes it better. You also might think that video games distract you a lot, but it doesn't, it actually makes you more focused, research has shown that people who play video games are more focused and see better than people who do not play video games.

3.Computing: In this subject, a man was talking about how computers have evolved, he said that a man made a computer to beat him at checkers, at first, the man beat the computer but then, the computer got better and better until it beat the man, so computers can learn by themselves. Computers have artificial intelligence, computers are a lot more accurate and faster than humans so they are used to organize stuff in sections like pictures but not a little amount, a huge amount, they don't take a lot of time doing it, humans would take days organizing and computers would just take a few hours. Computers are also taking jobs from people.

My final decision will be computing, i like it and will be fun to research about it.

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