Sunday, May 21, 2017

Jesus's Year Reflection

Jesus's Year Reflection

 My Year in Grade 5
I had a great year in grade 5. I made a lot of friends and learned a lot of things. It was the first time I had a unit on narrative writing. It was also the first time I learned arabic. I was nervous when I was going to learn arabic, but now, it's one of my favorite subjects. I had a great year in fifth grade.

Since I got here at CAC, my reading skills have been growing a lot because of reading I had here. First we started with jot notes, then character developing. First, we read Edward's eyes, at the end it was really sad and we got to write jot notes each time Mrs. Greene read it.The hardest of all was the fantasy unit. You never knew what was going to happen because anything could happen. In realistic fiction you could easily tell what was going to happen but in fantasy it's almost impossible. I improved a lot in reading and want to improve more.

Writing was one of the hardest subjects in fifth grade. For me, the best of all the units in writing was Fantasy. It is the best unit for me because you could write stories about things that would never happen.  You could also make any kind of characters but it was also hard to make them because you would have to develop them so the readers can understand what kind of characters were they. Argumentative essays was another unit and it was pretty hard too. We had to research about a world issue and argue about if it's good or bad. At the end, it wasn't that hard, it was easier than what I thought.

Math is my favorite subject. I love solving story problems and I have learned how to draw tape diagrams. It is really fun to solve problems in groups because if someone gets a different answer than the other people we get to argue why is our answer correct and at the end, someone might get it correct. Some problems were really easy, some were a bit challenging but I liked them all.

Science is a really fun subject because of the experiments we get to do. One of them was the stream table project. First, we put the clay with sand mixture, then we flatten the sand, finally, we poured water on the mixture and look for signs of erosion. This was only one of the experiments, there were a lot more.

Social Studies
One of my favorite units in social studies was the Columbian Exchange. We got to make a role play, or persuasive writing. I chose the persuasive writing. We also got to choose who were we talking to and who were we. I chose to be an aztec persuading Moctezuma that the spanish people had to leave because they were going to take over. It was an amazing unit. Right now we are working on the unit World Development. This unit is about how the world has changed and the things with it.

Citizenship - CORE Values
Core Values are a really important part of CAC too. The Core Values are: Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Respect, Responsibility, Creativity, and Perseverance. Fifth grade had to write about what Core Value was the best for you and why. I chose Integrity because doing the right thing when no one is looking makes you feel proud of yourself, you don't need credit when you do the right thing, knowing that you did it is enough.

Most Challenging: The most challenging thing here at CAC is Writing.
Most Enjoyable: The most enjoyable thing for me here at CAC is Math.
Most Proud of: The thing that I'm most proud of here at CAC is Arabic.
Most Growth: The thing that I most grew here at CAC is Reading.


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